To the Editor,
Calm down America. You can still kill your babies. The whole issue is just going to state authority instead of federal.
But God is still God. And God will avenge the millions of babies that America has murdered and thrown in the trash, and sold their body parts to science.
You’re acting like heathens America. Women scream about “their bodies,” but when a new human being is conceived in the womb, it is “not” the mothers’ body anymore. It’s a brand-new human being. And if “mama” kills it, God will judge her as a murderer. And all those who helped her kill it.
According to one statistic 86% of abortions are done by unmarried women. So, if Americans would just stop being adulterers and fornicators, we wouldn’t even have an abortion issue.
You’re going the wrong way America. And God is against you. He is against your so-called liberal agenda. He is against gay marriage and all the LGBTQ whatever. Like it or not. God has always been against it and has warned that it will bring judgment.
America has become a stench in the nostrils of God. Ukraine can happen to you America. With enemies like Russia and China, our country could very well look like Ukraine in just months.
Our “great” military may not be as great as you think it is, and may be put to shame just like Russia was. If you’re trusting in the so-called great military of America, you are playing a fool’s game.
America’s only hope is repentance. Or will you just take your chances?
Lonnie Malcomb
Fancy Gap, Va.
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