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Reader supports for Commissioner Cochran

To the Editor,

Since relocating to Mount Airy nearly a decade ago, I have experienced only one crime – right outside the City Municipal Building. after leaving a city council meeting one evening, I returned to my car – parked on the post office lot directly across the street from the Municipal Building – to find it had been broken into, and my roadside-emergency fund stolen.

I support the Second Amendment right of Commissioner Deborah Cochran – who is a responsible gun owner and possesses a concealed carry handgun permit – to carry her handgun both inside and outside the Municipal Building, or anywhere else. The existing single exception for police to the city’s HR policy regarding handguns should be broadened to also include any individual with an active government-issued concealed carry permit.

A concealed carry handgun permit ensures that the individual meets all state eligibility requirements for carrying a legal handgun in a concealed manner. One of those requirements is the successful completion of an approved firearms training class.

The city’s position that Commissioner Cochran should protect herself by making sure she leaves the building with one or more other individuals is ludicrous, insulting, and stinks of paternalism. The city’s existing position – which prevents Commissioner Cochran from being able to protect herself, and possibly others – needs to be revised so it reflects the unfortunate harsh realities of our modern-day world.

Rebecca Harmon

Mount Airy



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