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From hyphens to hate to race-based hypocrisy

The president of the United States of America believes the nation is systemically racist. The vice president of the United States believes one of the greatest threats to the nation is domestic terrorism by white supremacists.

Well, we’ve sure come a long way since 1776 when our Founding Fathers worked to establish one nation “where all men are created equal.” Today, the two top leaders of the nation, aided and abetted by an army of rabid, radical-left disciples (aka Democratic Socialists/Progressives) are using their favorite propaganda tools (Black Lives Matter, mainstream media, cowardly corporations, and Big Tech’s social-media censors of speech) to rapidly transform a nation of freedom-loving, hard-working, independent-thinking citizens into a totalitarian morass where all people, all actions, and all communications are viewed and profiled through the prism of race.

Rather than one nation, we are a country divided by tribes that use hyphens to indicate primary and secondary allegiances. Instead of “Americans,” we are now defined by such color-coding groupings as African-Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and lower-case white Americans.

Today, “equality’ has been pushed aside to make way for the Marxist concept of equity – which requires that people be judged by the color of their skin and personal circumstances; not the content of their character (as was the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr.). In addition, critical race theory – which demonizes deceased and living Caucasians and their cultural contributions by pushing the false concept that “white supremacy” is at the core of all societal ills – is being force-fed to our children by an educational system that has quietly submitted to its new role of indoctrination rather than education.

The absurdity of the false narrative of systemic racism is probably best refuted by the fact that, just 13 years ago, “we, the people” elected a black man as president – and then did so again four years later! The lie of systemic racism is also proven false by the legions of intelligent, hard-working, supremely confident and competent blacks and other minorities who hold positions of significant power and influence within all areas of government, education, business, healthcare, the military, the arts and entertainment, etc.

Today, the extraordinarily wealthy organization known as Black Lives Matter (BLM) has been given an exalted and seemingly sacred position within our society by some individuals and groups, despite the fact that one of its key leaders in New York proudly proclaimed that the use of violence to achieve desired results in appropriate. If BLM were any other group, it probably would be classified a domestic terrorist group.

Today, law enforcement has been so severely diminished, dismantled, demoralized and defunded that police officers can no longer do their jobs for fear of being accused of brutality or racism by media-frenzied mobs of political activists and agitators – most of whom would prefer a prime-time “photo op” rather than an off-screen meeting to engage in meaningful dialogue that could enhance the profession of policing.

Today, “hate” is no longer only a negative emotion that can be used to ascribe motive to the commission of a crime. It is now its own type of crime – one based on color, and one that demands federal intervention and a more serious punishment for the convicted offender.

Today, American conservatives of every color are vilified and silenced by fear of being called “racist” or “sell-outs” by socialist-leaning puppets who continue to use the race card to profit financially and politically. Indeed, those individual and groups that have profited and continue to profit from the notion of the perpetual victimhood of blacks have been called out for many years by courageous luminaries – starting in 1911 with educator Booker T. Washington and continuing today with author Taleeb Starkes, civil rights attorney Leo Turrell, political commentator Candace Owens, and most recently, U.S. Senator Tim Scott, of South Carolina.

While the harsh realities of racism have haunted and continue to haunt our land; it is equally true that we have progressed significantly during the past 100 years or more toward the ideal of a “more perfect Union.” We are not a nation imbued with systemic racism. Ironically, by following the lead of the current Biden/Harris administration, we are morphing rapidly and dangerously into a nation infected with systemic reverse-racism. As Senator Scott so brilliantly noted on a recent TV appearance: “Fighting bigotry with bigotry is hypocrisy.”

At some point, I trust that “we, the people” – of all colors, ethnicities, religions, genders (biologic or self-identified), sexual persuasions, etc. – will join hands and hearts and insist that equality, fairness, common sense, and dignity/respect for one another be reinstated as the foundational principles and values we use to help heal ourselves … and our country.

It’s also time for those of us who are able to speak up without fear of being fired from a job to do so. And it’s time for those of us who embrace freedom and civil liberties to stop consuming goods and services from corporations that have taken a knee for the radical-left agenda. We can no longer sit back and leave unchallenged the outrageous lies, practices, programs and relentless propaganda of the radical-left elite – which, if left unchecked, will ensure the ultimate destruction of a united nation where all Americans have equal opportunity to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Rebecca Harmon

Mount Airy



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