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Beware the welfare state

To the Editor,

Americans love their cars, and buy lots of them (816 per 1,000 people). Europeans also love cars, but buy lots fewer (France 482, UK 475), probably because they pay so much tax they can’t afford cars. Those in Europe earning $40,000 a year pay $6,000 more tax than Americans earning the same; those who earn $100,000 pay $16,000 more in tax. That heavy taxation pays for a generous European Welfare State.

Mr. Biden is offering a similar welfare state in return for your vote, and is lying when he says taxing ‘the rich’ and wealthy corporations will pay for it. Eventually, everybody will pay more tax, probably payroll and VAT (value added tax). So if you support Mr. Biden’s plan, and then decide you want a newer and more expensive car, you might not be able to afford it; you will have already traded it for a more generous U.S. welfare program. Oh, and you probably won’t be able to afford that bigger house you’ve always wanted.

Richard Merlo




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