Eagle Scout service projects are designed for the young scout pursuing the Eagle rank to show his leadership by designing and leading an effort which fills a need in the community.
For Bradley Kiger, his project is aimed at serving those who may most need it.
A rising sophomore at Millennium Charter Academy and member of Troop 545 in in Pilot Mountain, Bradley built a pair of blessing boxes at King First Christian Church in Stokes County.
“I wanted to I do believed would be more helpful to the community,” he said of narrowing his community service project choices. “That would be the blessing boxes. They are meant to help the less fortunate people in King.”
Along with building the boxes, Bradley was able to rasie $1,000 in funding by holding a community dinner at the church. The money will be administered by the church, to keep the boxes filled with free food and with reading material. In addition, he said volunteers can put food in the box — although he said it should be water and other goods that don’t spoil easily.
The church is located at 625 Meadowbrook Drive in King.
Source: https://www.mtairynews.com
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