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Unique snail in NC in danger of going extinct, wildlife officials say

(WGHP) — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to list a snail found in North Carolina as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act, according to a USFWS news release.

The magnificent ramshorn snail is an air-breathing snail, historically documented from only four sites in the lower Cape Fear River Basin in southeastern NC.

Experts surveyed over 100 potential sites, including most historical sites, over the last few decades and have not found any magnificent ramshorn snails.

The species is currently believed to be gone from the wild. Efforts are currently underway to keep the species alive in captivity and to get the snails ready for future releases into the wild. 

“The science that the Service has gathered on the magnificent ramshorn indicates it is in danger of extinction throughout all of its range,” Regional Director Leopoldo Miranda-Castro said. “This narrow endemic needs our help. Working with state fish and wildlife agencies and our partners will help advance conservation efforts and the eventual recovery of the species.”  

The Service is also proposing to designate 739 acres of ponds as critical habitat for the magnificent ramshorn in Brunswick County where the snails could be released to repopulate their historical habitat.

The USFWS has determined that proposing critical habitat for the magnificent ramshorn is needed because there are no occupied areas to ensure the conservation of the species.

USFWS officials also announced a draft of an economic analysis of the proposed designation of critical habitat for the snails.

The total incremental costs of critical habitat designation are estimated to be less than $21,000, annually. 

Only three captive populations exist with about 1,000 magnificent ramshorns left.

Although captive populations have been maintained since 1992, a catastrophic event, such as a severe storm, disease, or predator infestation affecting the captive populations could result in the near extinction of the species. 

Source: Fox 8 News Channel

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