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Downtown Roanoke Gears Up for St. Patty’s Day

Expect Downtown Roanoke to be painted green this weekend for the annual Freedom First St. Patrick’s Day Parade that kicks off at 11 am.

After this family fun event, stick around for the Shamrock Festival, which you can enjoy until 5 pm. There will be plenty of musical guests from DJ Joey Nicely to the Phat Anchovies. There’s even street vendors.

Downtown Roanoke, Inc has hosted the parade for about 12 years. It said people even bring their relatives here from out of town.

“We’re expecting in the tens of thousands of people. Everyone comes out for the Freedom for St. Patrick’s Day Parade. That’s really our big draw and then the weather is looking really good so everyone kind of likes to stay around and enjoy all that we have here at the Shamrock Festival as well,” Director of Marketing and Communications Izzy Post with Downtown Roanoke, Inc.

Post also says this helps several businesses as they are hosting events during the holiday. Corned Beef & Co. and Martin’s Downtown Bar and Grill are hosting festivities. Big Lick Brewing Company is also hosting several events that start tonight until Sunday.

At Big Lick Brewing Company, you can enjoy plenty of live music, Irish beers, wine slushies and there are even green seltzer slushies.

President Bryan Summerson with Big Lick Brewing Company said it’s hosted St. Patrick’s Day events for the past five years.

“Oh, it’s great. It’s one of our busiest weekends of the year. I guess so many people are Downtown, and that is the holiday’s kind of celebrating with food and drink, and shenanigans as we call it,” said Summerson.

Summerson said he expects about 600 people to come out to his bar during the St. Patrick’s Day weekend. He said on a normal Saturday, Big Lick Brewing Company draws a crowd of 300 people.

You can also expect several street closures on Saturday. Downtown Roanoke said some closures will start at 7 am. Some of the roads that will be closed include Jefferson Street between Campbell Avenue and Salem Avenue, Wall Street and Market Street. Downtown Roanoke has a full list of street closures on its website and suggestions about where you can park. There is also a schedule of the performers for the Shamrock Festival on Downtown Roanoke’s website.

Source: WSLS News 10

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