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Bond appointed to Planning Board

A local resident with an interest in attracting more business to town has been appointed to a group often playing a role in that, the Mount Airy Planning Board.

Nathan Bond was approved for a three-year term on the Planning Board, an advisory body to the Mount Airy Board of Commissioners on zoning, annexation and other growth-oriented issues.

Bond was appointed to that term, which will expire on July 31, 2025, by the commissioners during their last meeting on July 21.

He is replacing Jeannie Studnicki, whose term expired and no longer was eligible for reappointment due to serving the maximum time allowed on the Planning Board. She recently was hired as a city planner by Benchmark, a private firm that has provided planning-related services to Mount Airy since 2011.

Bond is employed as market manager by Vulcan Materials. He graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a bachelor’s degree in management, while minoring in finance.

“I have an interest in serving on the Planning Board to help overlook the expansion of our city while providing guidance to those looking to invest in the city,” Bond said in a statement. “I am looking forward to working with business owners hoping to invest in our city by moving and growing their businesses here.”

Bond’s other local involvements include serving as a member of the City of Mount Airy Steering Committee and chairing a group known as the Market Street Arts and Entertainment District Ambassadors.

In 2021, Bond was a member of the Downtown/Small Business Development Vision Committee that studied and made recommendations on various ways to improve Mount Airy’s central business district.



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